• Liquid Architecture

    Upcoming art tries to be compatible with present and have a little point to the future, but the main concern of an artist is “Style”, but do we know what Style is? , can we call it Fashion? No, There is a very common explanation of style that we can bring it up: Style is the specific believe …

  • Art of Stone

    From thousands years ago, we knew how to control nature, how to use nature and how to shape nature, Architecture was the oldest known art which controlled and used all type of materials, Architecture gathered all arts around one major cover to start communication with nature, from ancient Egypt toward Persian Empire till now Stone …

  • Soft

    When we talk about art, we start to be connected to all kind of conversations between materials and mind, Our minds treats materials, make them soft, make them smooth, make them connect together, and finally make them talk to others, Miniature by: Hootan Hamedani 1982

  • Soul

    I see a thousand souls sleeping on the earth’s bedroll, And I see another thousand hidden underground; As much as I peer at the peer of doom, I can only make out departed ones and the unborn.

  • Life is a Battle

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